The exoneration of the responsibility of the contracting parties in the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: An analysis of requisites of Article 79 (1) of CISG
MORAIS, Fernando Vinícius Tavares Magalhães. The exoneration of the responsibility of the contracting parties in the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: An analysis of requisites of Article 79 (1) of CISG. Corporate Arbitration and Mediation Magazine. Belo Horizonte, Year II – n. 2, Jan./Jun. 2015. p. 63-86.
Los dispute boards y los contratos administrativos: son los DBRs una buena solución para disputas sujetas a normas de orden público?
VAZ, Gilberto José; NICOLI, Pedro Augusto Gravatá. In: Roberto Hernández García. (Org.). Dispute Boards en Latinoamérica: Experiencias y retos. 1ed. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014, v1, p. 99-122.
Risks in the Construction Industry: the issues of geology and geotechnics.
VAZ, Gilberto José; NICOLI, Pedro Augusto Gravatá; NOVAIS, Roberto Cançado Vasconcelos, in “Construction Law: studies on the various areas of law applied to the construction market”. MARCONDES, Fernando (org.). São Paulo: Pini, 2014, p. 317-334.
Administrative Contracts – private mechanisms for the resolution of disputes
LIMA, Renata Faria Silva. Administrative Contracts – private mechanisms for the resolution of disputes – Studies in Honor of Professor Florivaldo Dutra de Araújo. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2014. p. 265-278.
Infrastructure and Construction Contracts
MORAES, Felipe; VAZ, Gilberto José. Infrastructure and Construction Contracts
. Valor Econômico. Published on 11.09.2014. infraestrutura-e-construcao
Dispute Boards as an alternative for the resolution of disputes in the construction industry
VAZ, Gilberto José; LIMA, Renata Faria Silva; NICOLI, Pedro Augusto Gravatá; NOVAIS, Roberto Cançado Vasconcelos, in Mediation and Arbitration Magazine. Year 11, vol. 40, Jan -March 2014. São Paulo, 2014, p. 325-333.
New regulation arbitration of CCI: the emergency arbitrator and the Brazilian legal system
LIMA, Renata Faria Silva; REZENDE, Lídia Helena Souza. New regulation arbitration of CCI: the emergency arbitrator and the Brazilian legal system
Arbitration Magazine. Belo Horizonte, Year II – n. 4, July – Dec. 2013. p. 37-56.
Dispute boards and administrative contracts: Are DBs a good solution for disputes subject to public order norms?
VAZ, Gilberto José; NICOLI, Pedro Augusto Gravatá. Dispute boards and administrative contracts: Are DBs a good solution for disputes subject to public order norms? Mediation and Arbitration Magazine. Year 10, vol. 38. July – Sept. 2013. Coordination and Direction: Arnoldo Wald. Court Magazine: São Paulo, 2013.
The use of dispute boards in Brazil: developments and perspectives.
VAZ, Gilberto José; NICOLI, Pedro Augusto Gravatá. The use of dispute boards in Brazil: developments and perspectives. Financier Worldwide: Global Reference Guide 2012 (Litigation & Dispute Resolution), Birmingham, UK, p. 14 – 15, 01 June 2012.
Time is money: an economic and financial view of the costs and deadlines of litigations.
VAZ, Gilberto José; NICOLI, Pedro Augusto Gravatá. Time is money: an economic and financial view of the costs and deadlines of litigations.
Indústria de Minas: Monthly Magazine of the FIEMG System, Belo Horizonte, p. 47 – 48, 01 Nov. 2010.
Dispute Resolution in Administrative Contracts through Extrajudicial Routes in Congress of the Minas Gerais Association of Law Graduates.
LIMA, Renata Faria Silva. REZENDE, Lídia Helena Souza. Dispute Settlement in Administrative Contracts through Extrajudicial Routes in Congress of the Minas Gerais Association of Law Graduates. C749a Direito (1: 2010: Belo Horizonte; Uberlândia, MG) Proceedings: Complete Articles / First Congress of the Minas Gerais Association of Postgraduates in Law. – Belo Horizonte: AMPD: Pergamum, 2010. 3392 – 2446 p.
Arbitration in Public Administration: An understanding of the Superior Courts and Trends in Pacifying the Question in Congress of the Minas Gerais Association of Law Graduates.
LEITE, Paula Rodrigues Lara. Arbitration in Public Administration: An understanding of the Superior Courts and Trends in Pacifying the Matter in Congress of the Minas Gerais Association of Law Graduates. C749a Direito (1: 2010: Belo Horizonte; Uberlândia, MG) Proceedings: Complete Articles / First Congress of the Minas Gerais Association of Graduates in Law. – Belo Horizonte: AMPD: Pergamum, 2010. 2188 – 2205 p.
Verification of the occurrence of overpricing in public bidding proposals and administrative contracts.
VAZ, Gilberto José. LIMA, Renata Faria Silva. Verification of the occurrence of overpricing in public bidding proposals and administrative contracts. Zênite Magazine. Biddings and Contracts Newsletter – ILC, Curitiba, n. 169, p. 243-247, March 2008.
Economic and financial balancing in contracts: in administrative and civil law.
LIMA, Renata Faria Economic and financial balance in contracts: in administrative and civil law. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey, 2007. 440p.
Brief considerations regarding dispute boards in Brazilian Law
VAZ, Gilberto José. Arbitration and Mediation Magazine: n. 10, p. 165-171, Jul-Sept. 2006.
Economic and financial balancing of concession agreements and Internal Rate of Return.
VAZ, Gilberto José. LIMA, Renata Faria Silva. Economic and financial Balance of Concession Agreements and Internal Rate of Return. Zênite Magazine. Biddings and Contracts Newsletter – ILC, Curitiba, n. 118, p. 1036-1037, Dec. 2003.